Tuesday, December 12, 2006


08, originally uploaded by aesop.

This is the original version of the 'resting under trees' picture from the sketchbook. I don't think that the new version has the same freshness, but I'm hoping to muck it about a bit with the digital process and the hand colouring.

[Unlikely in this silence/ excepting swifts' glassy screams/ overhead,]

This is a version of a page from Turndust, an artist's book project I am currently working on. This is an early stage 'storyboard' version. I've posted it because I am interested in seing if I can use the community to add something to the design process. What do you think of it? What could be improved? What's good? What does it make you think about?

I'm planning to develop the book for screenprint in one or two colours with hand colouring in watercolour, so each book will be a little different, although still part of an edition.

Since this book is intended as a narrative, it's best read from beginning to end. I recommend looking at the Flickr set.

Thanks for any comments.

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